Sex Machine M tour final series guest band announced!

The sex machine, which is currently on a new album release tour, is the tour final series-versus-band edition-
announced a guest band.

6/9 (Fri): Takamatsu DIME "Dramatic Alaska"
6/11 (Sun): Fukuoka Queblick "Gagaga SP"
6/16 (Fri): Sapporo SOUND CRUE "HANABOBI"
6/18 (Sun): Morioka five morioka "KiNGONS"

From July, the tour final series ~one-man edition~ has been decided in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka.
I would like you to check out their live performances that are creating a guest vocal whirlwind all over the country.

[Work information]
5th full album "Has begun. 』
Now on sale
PWR-012/¥2,130 (excluding tax)

[recorded music]
1. It's starting
2. To the New World
3. Just One Dull Way
4. Which one
5. Song "Nagi"
6. Farewell Signal
7. Earth
8. I'm sad and want to sleep
9. Mugendai
10. Butterfly Dream

[Live information]
"The tour has begun. TOUR"
04/16 (Sun): Aomori Hachinohe Roxx
04/17 (Monday): Miyagi Sendai MACANA
04/22 (Sat): Ehime Matsuyama Double-u Studio
04/23 (Sun): Kochi X-pt.
05/12 (Friday): Shimane Izumo APOLLO
05/13 (Sat): Shimane Matsue AZTiC canova
05/27 (Sat): Oita club SPOT
05/28 (Sun): Kagoshima SR Hall

Final Series ~One Man~
July 9th (Sun): Nagoya club ROCK'N ROLL
July 14th (Friday): Shibuya TSUTAYA O-Crest
July 16th (Sun): Osaka umeda AKASO

<Other live information>
04/29 (Sat.): "GOOD LUCK 2017" ~9th Anniversary & Album Release Party~ @ Osaka Namba Hatch
Aiu / Arcosite / Masayoshi Oishi / The More is You / SHE'S / Self-Portrait / BUZZ THE BEARS / FouFou / HEADLAMP / MAGIC OF LiFE /

05/06 (Sat): "COMIN' KOBE 17 Eve Festival" ~ Participate from the day before and nap equipment Kobe 2017 ~ @ Kobe Sun and Tiger
THE Inazuma Sentai / BUZZ THE BEARS / a flood of circle

05/07 (Sun): "COMIN' KOBE17" @ Kobe World Memorial Hall, Kobe International Exhibition Hall No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, Kobe International Conference Center

05/14 (Sun): "Young Lion Festival '17" @Osaka Castle Concert Hall
teto/Helsinki Lambda Club/CHAI/Melancholic Sharaku/and more!!

[MV "It's starting."]

[Sex Machine HP]